All of us knew or
met at a special time in the history of this great nation..The world was changing and our country was in turmoil..Assinations..Protest...
Panthers...Charles Manson...cults and hey....a thing called Woodstock.........Our world would never be the same again...

Kids...that's all most of us
were...sons of the first generation of immigrants...the Irish...Polish...Hungarines and Italians[not to be at any time confused
with the Scillians]...they had battled the great depression...won a world war...suffered thru its horrible aftermath...endured
the terror of war for a piece of frozen land in Korea...and survived old Joe McCarthy...We were raised on the shirtails of
these great warriors.... their beliefs were ours...as was their values... their pride and their patriotism was ours....but
a new era was on the horizon......

For thirty years I have been told by family and friends,"the war is over mort..put it in the past..move on with your
life.So I gathered the ghosts and demons...buried them deep within.At certain times,the way the moon looks..a sound or smell..the
wind or a storm and BAM..back in the Nam,so I bury it a little deeper. Marriage..children..coaching baseball..football.The
Cub,Boys and girl scouts..band concerts..field hockey,and then..Graduation.Two in the service..another out on her own..Ahh,life
is good. Three turkey days ago,I donated blood at the local VFW and received a letter from the Red Cross alerting me that
hepatitis C is present and see a doctor and hey,we don't want your blood.After many labs,x-rays,liver biopsy....yep..Hep C,from
wounds received in Nam ....well....so much for putting it in the past....the war maybe over...but the battles still rage.....
