To say "I'm proud to be Cav"....is
an understatement....after all the bull...the anger and fear...the Lost youth's...friends and darkened futures...deep down
inside is a pride...a glow resides there...a link to the past...to a history of gloryous campaings and operations...and to
the head strong and determed troopers who fought them.

Just being in Nam was tough on everyone
in many different ways..but for a grunt..it was truly a struggle..out beyond the wires and tripflares of camps and LZ's was
a world of its own......And it was ugly.....We lived as animals.......same filthy clothes for weeks.....wash when you run
into a stream or river.....our days were filled with sweat....fatique and mud....razor like cuts from the elphant grass...The
elements and terrain changed constantly....endurence was the key.....trust nothing in the jungle...if you were there....you
know....if you weren"t....you can't even imagine.....


Our mission was clear and simple...Search
and destroy... seek out the enemy and destroy all around him....cut charlies supply lines and troop routes...deny and
destroy his rice...put fear in the hearts of the villagers so no comfort will charlie find...but first...A....radio the rear
and get permission to fire....B....tell the enemy to DungLa or you will fire....C....Fire warning shoots.... D....none
of the above.....
