I'm so short.....I can't carry on this conversation.....!!

Lz Mooney 68

I'm so short.....it takes all day to climb out of my

Burgess.................Broadus Vernon....................Manny................Alonzo Jones
I'm so short.....I can sit on a dime and dangle my feet.....!!

Hippie 1..................Hippie 2.............................................Sam
I'm so short.....I can walk under a pregnat ant with a top hat



Martin Cavanan..Scott Adie/Beatle Baily/Richard Griego...............................................Johnny Jones
I'm so short.....I can't write another letter..I'll
beat it home.....!!

I'm so short.....I can sleep in a matchbox....!!

I'm so short.....the army dosen't
need dozers anymore..I can cut a road by dragging my ass.....!!
