And then there were the NVA's...tough
guys...hardcore...they would fight till the last...There weapons were old and crude compared to our techology..yet..they have
staved off many countries and still live to fight some more ..... There use of tunnels was just simply amazing...A company
or larger of gooks...traped in a village...call in Air Strikes...Cobra's...Village completly gone...move in for body count....six...not
counting livestock and pets... Everyone else...gone....Poof.....

The enemy was not just in the jungle...He was everywhere...in our streets stirring up
hatered...Anti War demostrations...civil unrest...He was at the Paris Peace Accords...deceiving ambassadors and representives...He
was in our Halls of Justice delaying the end of the War...Yes the enemy was every where and wore a thousand faces...

The American solider in Nam had
little support from the nation and people that sent him to that hell hole...and turned their backs on the returning vets...It
has been 33 plus years later and when Nam is metioned I still see that look in their eyes...its still out there....So just
what face was that of the enemy..... It was hard for the average American to tell... and impossible for a Veteran....
