"Freeworld Enterprises"
Sponsored By
Michelin Rubber and Big Business Of America
in Association With the CIA
Exective Producers
Dwight D.Eisenhower/John F. Kennedy
Lydon B.Johnson/Richard M. Nixon
Co-Exective Producers
Ho Chi Minh/Nguyen VanThiew
Nguyen Cao Ky
In Co-operation with
NATO and the Genova Convention
Directed By
Bob Mc Namara/Dean Rusk
Mel Laird/Clifford Clark
Ho Chi Minh
General Giap/Ngo Diem
Produced By
General Max Taylor
General Westmoreland
Admirals Zumwalt and McDonald
Lt.General Van Dung
Generals Tran Do/Van Tra
GI Joe and the Allied Four
GI Jane and the Village People
Charlie Cong and the Puppet People
Appearences By
Admirals Moore and Radford
Generals Wheeler,Ely and Abrams
Special Appearences By
Hubert Humphre,Eugene McCarthy
General Cushman
Henery Cabot Lodge,Spiro Agnew
Ambassador Harriman.Gerald Ford
And Many Many More
Unexpected Appearences By
Jane Fonda,Lt.William Calley
Ohio National Guardsman
Chicago Police Department
The Khmer Rouge
Supporting Cast
Fathers,Mothers,Brothers and sisters
Girldfriends and the Buddies of The American Force in Vietnam
Non Supporting Cast
Uncle Sam and Joe IM Citizen along with the American
Director of Communications
Henery Kissinger
Based on the 1954 French Screen Play
"Dien Phu Bien"
Filmed entirely on Location by
"Medi World"