We loaded onto a plane in Calif.
flew to Hawii...Guam and touched down in VietNam...alot of hours in the air..the clouds..the closeness of God...alot of time
to put things in perspective...the mood of the whole plane was as such..not alot of talking..singing and such..the clowning
around was put on hold..we searched our souls and hearts...the hidden corners of the mind...and reflecting......a few short
months ago our biggest worry was where to go after the prom.....Its only for a year...whats so tough about that.......if we
only knew.....

Load into school buses..wire around the
windows so the kids you just gave the candy and c-rats to... don't throw a bomb or gernade in...Oh...OK.....head down the
road....unload and given a place to stay for the night.....morning comes and it's in the air again........

A few days go by and then your
told to report to the supply sgt.....pick up your weapon...gear... and get to the chopper pad to join your unit in the field....Humm....whats
this????...I was trained with the M-14.....
